Today is the day: I made it to my fourth decade.
photo credit: Aih. via photopin cc
Looking back, I have realized how incredibly blessed I am. I would love to share with you just a few (40, to be exact) of the many blessings in my life:
- The Creator of the universe loves me and has a great plan for me.
- I get to do life with my best friend.
- We will celebrate our 10th wedding anniversary next month.
- I have an amazing daughter who is kind, thoughtful, and so very creative!
- I have a wonderful son who is sweet and energetic and keeps me laughing!
- My parents are now 40+ years in love and a great example of a godly marriage.
- I have my dad’s love for books and knowledge.
- I have my mom’s love for people and chocolate.
- My sisters are two of my dearest friends (and are the only ones who truly understand how “unique” our family is!)
- My two brothers-in-law (on my side) cherish my sisters and respect our parents.
- My father- and mother-in-law are are also 40+ years in love.
- I have been “thoroughly adopted” into my husband’s family…parents, siblings, aunts, uncles, cousins…etc. It’s like I have an entire “second” family!
- I have a very close (somewhat crazy) extended family whom I am blessed to see regularly.
- I have three adorable nieces and three amazing nephews.
- I was able to witness my nephew’s miraculous journey of healing.
- I still keep in touch with a lifelong family friend who consistently encourages me across the miles (and whose blog name I “borrowed” for this post…thanks, Lora! :))
- I have an incredibly supportive group of friends.
- We are blessed to go to a church where we are fed truth, challenged to grow, and enjoy community like nowhere else!
- We have the best small group in the northern hemisphere (I really don’t know much about the southern hemisphere…they might be the best there, too).
- The same loyal, somewhat-spoiled dog has slept next to my bed every night for the last 11 years.
- We live in a fantastic, family-centered community!
- Our kids go to good schools where its evident the staff and administration care deeply about the students.
- I am privileged to do what I love: 1) stay home to raise my kids and 2) write.
- God has been faithful in the good times and the difficult times.
- I have survived cancer.
- God has given us our dream home.
- At age 40, I weigh 30 lbs less than I did at age 20 (yes, it’s true!)
- At age 20, I could barely run .5 mile; two weeks ago I completed my third 5K!
- I have two strong legs on which to run.
- I have been privileged to meet, serve under, and be influenced by some amazing people.
- I have had the privilege of serving and leading some pretty incredible kids who have grown into such impressive adults. (You know who you are, Reality Drama!)
- I have co-authored a book.
- I have had the opportunity to travel to 35 states and 4 other countries.
- I have been to the top of the Eiffel Tower.
- I have hiked a mountain in Alaska.
- I have a college degree.
- It’s almost my absolute favorite time of year…FALL!
- I can read…and read…and read…and read…
- I am living exactly where I want to be, doing exactly what I want to do at this season in my life.
- The next 10 years are looking pretty exciting!
(Photo source: Wikimedia Commons)
Happy belated birthday, sweet friend!! Love you.
Thanks, girl! Love you, too…and miss you!