Fun Mommy: Sledding {link-up}

We were visiting my mother-in-law last weekend when we noticed the oddest thing on the ground. It was cold, and white, and fluffy. And the kids seemed to love it.


For all of my “Northern” friends you might recognize this phenomenon as snow; however, we’ve seen very little of it in my part of the Midwest this year (or last year for that matter!). Of course the kids were thrilled to see it and wanted desperately to play in it. And of course I said, “yes.”

Because I’m a Fun Mommy (well, for this month, anyway!)


Typically, I would have seen this as an opportunity to stay inside the warm house and get some things done (or just sit and sip a cup of coffee with my mom-in-law) while my kids were entertained. But imagine my delight at having my “Fun Mommy” moment basically served up to me on a silver platter! (Thanks, Hubby, for helping me recognize it and “encouraging” me to come out, too!)

So, out I went into the cold, curled myself up on an inflatable tube with my Little Man and flung myself down a hill into the blustery, wet, white stuff! See? Fun Mommy!


If I can do it, you can, too!


We are putting the fun back in mommyhood in the month of March. And this is where you can join in and then tell us all about it. So link up your fantastic “Fun Mommy” moments.

All you have to do is:

  • Create a moment of fun and fully engage with your kiddos. It can be centered around an activity, but it’s less about the activity itself and more about being in the moment and enjoying your kiddos.
  • Write about your experience. This is where you can share about the activity itself (a recipe or craft idea) or a lesson learned in the process. Be sure to grab the button to use on your post!
  • Link up on Mondays in March and share your ideas and experiences! Don’t forget to visit other Fun Mommies who also link up (who knows, you might just be inspired for the next week!)

4 thoughts on “Fun Mommy: Sledding {link-up}

  1. Everyday Truth sent me and I want to be a Fun Mom! I broke my leg sledding in college so get a lot of anxiety when participating in this activity. But I have done it with my kids and they recognize when I make this effort! Hope to be inspired by other ideas.

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