Not every day is a good day. Even when life is going well, we all have those not-so-great days. Those days the kids won’t get along. When traffic is against you at every turn. When you realize your favorite jeans don’t fit anymore. Those days can hit hard. They hit even harder when you’re walking through a hopeless situation. A hopeless day is sometimes enough to put even the most hope-ful person over the edge. I had a lot of those days early on. Days when I couldn’t think straight. When I didn’t have the words to pray. When I couldn’t find the courage to ask others to pray because I knew I would break down in tears on the spot. Those days are fewer now, but they still come. And when they do, I call for reinforcements. When I first learned of my diagnosis, I knew I needed to pray, but I didn’t have the words. I knew I needed to be in the Word, but I didn’t know where to start. But I knew who did. I have a group of friends who stand on incredible legs of faith. I knew when I couldn’t stand on my own, they would be my legs. And they were. They prayed for me. They emailed prayers to me. They texted Scripture to me. And not just once, but again and again until I could once again stand on my own. I have another group of friends who I called when I was tired of talking about and thinking about cancer. When I couldn’t read anymore about the disease and its treatments. When I grew weary of thinking about my situation, these friends took me out for coffee (and the obligatory chocolate). We talked about parenting dilemmas and laughed at the good old days and one another. It was a welcomed escape from the day-to-day heaviness I was facing.
Two are better than one, because they have a good return for their labor: If either of them falls down, one can help the other up. But pity anyone who falls and has no one to help them up (Ecclesiastes 4:9, 10).
We all need a little help from time to time. No one can be strong all the time. The beauty of community is that we don’t have to walk our road alone.
Carry each other’s burdens, and in this way you will fulfill the law of Christ. (Galatians 6:2).
We were meant to do life in relationship…with God first, but also with others. With those who need to see Christ in us, yes. But also with other believers. God never intended us to walk through our dark times alone. He promises to go with us, but He also longs to send us people “with skin on” who can take our hands, hold us up when we crumble under the weight of life, and point us to Christ. Do you know someone facing a difficult situation? How can you help carry their burden today?
This post is part of the series, Embracing Hope. In the coming weeks, we’ll look at why we can put our hope in God, how we put our hope in God, and what we can do when it feels all hope is lost. Won’t you come along for the journey? Consider subscribing via e-mail so you can receive new posts delivered directly to your inbox! Simply enter your e-mail address in the box to the right. To view the entire series, click here.
Very well written my Dear Friend!
Thank you, Missie! And thank you for being part of my “faith legs!” 🙂 ~Nancy
Nancy, you inspire me, friend. Your strength and beauty through all of this is just amazing and so God-glorifying. Loved reading this and even though I haven’t been through cancer, I have been through so much hardship and it really does help to have community there to carry us through the harder days. (((Hugs)))
Yes, it is so true Rosann…not only in cancer but in every trial, God brings those to encourage us when we need it most. Thanks for taking the time to comment, friend!
We certainly need each other as we walk the road of life. A shoulder to cry on, an ear to listen, or a friend to sit quietly with us when no words will come. All of these small actions have such a great impact. How blessed you are to have such friends.
Amen, Dayle! So well-said!
Hi Nancy, I loved this post. I can so relate. And for me, that one good friend, and God’s word is always the best medicine! Found you over at Monday Musings
God bless
So thankful you stopped by, Tracy!
Your posts have been such a blessing. God surely meant for each of us to encourage & spur one another on. May He keep you “supplied” with those to come alongside of you each day. I am grateful that you share with transparency.
Thank you for your kind words, Joanne!
Thank you for linking with Woman to Woman’s Word Filled Wednesday!
Oh, how true!! Even in the times when those who are not up to the task of befriending the chronically ill are being weeded out, we are given stronger faith legs to borrow, and we find deeper meaning in our friendships. We also learn from experience how to be that leaning post for others in need! Beautiful post! <3
Thank you, Shelley!