A Message for Those Already Behind

Here it is February 11…almost Valentine’s Day and this is my first post of 2016. That should give you some indication of how life is going right about now….fast. Very, very fast. Juggling homeschool, housework, health, parenting, church responsibilities, kids’ activities, and well, life in general tends to eat up a giant portion of the day (and sometimes the night)…every day. 

Oh, don’t get me wrong…after a 16-month battle for my life, I’m soaking up every moment of actually living it. Still, a crazy and overwhelmed schedule tends to leave this type-A-deadline-driven, perfectionist feeling stressed, anxious, and terribly, terribly behind.

I am learning–yet again–that being is better than doing. That’s a difficult lesson for this over-achiever. I like my lists. I like to check things off my lists. And I like my lists done before I go to bed.

Your type-A streak might not run as deep as mine, but I’m guessing you can relate to my feeling of being overwhelmed. Life is crazy. Life is hectic. Life happens at breakneck speed. But here’s the crazy irony of it all: If we don’t stop to simply be in God’s presence, we’ll never become who He intends us to be.

Be Still and Know That I am God...Compassion That Compels | www.thereisgrace.com

I’m privileged to be sharing the lessons I’m learning over at Compassion That Compels today. Won’t you stop over there and join the conversation? And while you’re there, check out the incredible ministry that Compassion That Compels provides for women battling cancer. Do you know someone who is facing cancer? Encourage them in their battle by sending them a Compassion Bag, or support the work of Compassion That Compels by shopping at one of their sponsors.



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