In 2011, I committed to run my first 5K. At the time, I was 38 years old, had two small children at home, and had recently recovered from major surgery.
I’ve never been what one would call “athletic,” and typically, any one of those reasons would be enough to convince myself I couldn’t do it. But I had other reasons for wanting to run this particular race (you can read more about that here). So I dusted off my Nikes and got reacquainted with my treadmill.
It wasn’t easy. I was sore. I was tired. And my legs felt like lead.
There were days my children (and life in general) so completely wore me out, the last thing I wanted to do was put in my time on the treadmill.
Many times I did it anyway; sometimes I didn’t. Many days I made time for my workouts; sometimes life took unexpected turns and it simply didn’t get done.
My training wasn’t perfect; it wasn’t easy. But I kept on. And when it came time for race day, guess what? I did it. I completed the entire 3.1 miles, and beat my best training time by almost a minute!
If I had given up the first time I missed a workout, or thrown in the towel just because I wasn’t doing it perfectly, I would have never finished the race.
Do you not know that in a race all the runners run, but only one gets the prize? Run in such a way as to get the prize. Everyone who competes in the games goes into strict training. They do it to get a crown that will not last, but we do it to get a crown that will last forever (1 Corinthians 9:24, 25)
We’re almost half-way through our Thirty for 30 Challenge, and I have to be honest: it has become increasingly difficult to make the time for God’s Word. It seemed like such a noble goal at the beginning of the of the year (and it is). But now we’re back into routines…school, work, church and volunteer commitments…and the reality is there are some days when life gets the best of me.
But I will not give up. I may have missed a couple of days over the weekend, but I’m lacing up my spiritual running shoes and getting back in the race.
That’s the beautiful thing about God: His mercies are new every morning. That means we can start fresh today. So, who’s with me…anyone else need a fresh start today?
This post is part of the Thirty for 30 Challenge. Be sure to join us Thursday to let us know what you’ve been reading and learning this month. And don’t miss next Monday, when my dear friend, Lora from My Blessed Life, will be here to encourage us. You won’t want to miss it!
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Linking up to Desire to Inspire today.
Oh, I’m glad …er…relieved… to know I’m not the only one who has struggled with making daily time. I had a fresh start today, too!
Thank goodness for fresh starts!!!