As parents, our job is never done. From the time the little bundle comes home from the hospital, there’s the feeding and the cleaning and the washing and the wiping.

Then there’s the ABCs, the 123s, the colors, the shapes, and the identifying every…single…object. As they get a little older there’s the tantrums and the meltdowns, the discipline and the attitude adjustments, the refereeing and the supervising, and still the feeding, the cleaning, and the washing. And the list goes on…
And on.
And on.
That’s why I’m always excited when I find a resource that makes my job a little easier and helps me do it a little better. And when it’s something I know my kids will love, it suddenly has my attention.
So when I first discovered We Choose Virtues through a friend’s homeschool blog, I was all ears.
My oldest was already learning about “character education” at her public school. They were doing a fantastic job of it, but I felt they were missing a key component: I want my kids to not only have good character; I want them to have biblical character. What exactly does that mean? For me, it means teaching them to make choices based on the Word of God. What better way to do that than with fun and colorful characters?
We Choose Virtues uses simple, kid-friendly language and endearing characters to teach complex concepts like diligence, helpfulness, perseverance, gentleness, contentment, attentiveness, honesty, kindness, self-control, patience, obedience, and forgiveness. Created by a mom who was also a preschool teacher and a children’s pastor, WCV offers a wide range of products perfect for home or the classroom.
For example, we use the Virtue Cards literally every day. I began by introducing one character a month (since there are 12, that seemed to be a good idea). I attached some magnet pieces to the back of the card and placed it on a whiteboard in our dining area. Then I wrote the definition next to it. The kids were so excited about them we quickly worked through all the cards.
Now all 12 cards adorn the front of my refrigerator where I refer to them often. Each card gives a simple definition, an example of what it is not, and a Bible verse. My kids love the bright colors and fun characters, and I love the simple and concise definitions.
When dealing with a bad attitude or behavior in one of my kids, it’s so helpful to reinforce the moment by showing them the card and asking, “What does it mean to be self-controlled?” (or whatever the issue is) Instead of some arbitrary answer from the recesses of their brains, they can confidently reply, “I make myself do the right thing.”
See what I mean? My job is easier, and my kids are learning and growing.
If you have kids in preschool or elementary, I encourage you to check out We Choose Virtues. They have a wide range of options for your family, homeschool, church, or classroom. They also offer additional ideas and tips on their blog and Facebook page.
**Disclosure: This post contains affiliate links. All opinions are 100% mine.
I love this idea! I have bible verse flashcards that I made and the kids love those. Thanks for sharing this!
I’m so glad you found it helpful. Thanks for stopping by!
We love these! I have a larger set of cards at home and keep those little ones in my purse. I’ve been known to whip them out driving down the road and have a little quiz/reminder time 😉
I’ve been curious about WCV. I think my kids would like them too. I guess I could look at the website, but do the cards have any kind of devotional or Bible story ideas with them or is it just the card?
Thanks for the review.
Hi Keri! Thanks for stopping by. The cards have a scripture on them. There are additional resources (like the Family Pack) that include stories. I’m not familiar with them, but the impression I get is that they’re devotional-type stories with kid characters. You could definitely get more info from their web site.
I love this idea! Thank you for sharing. I have been teaching my little girl Character traits of the Bible in different ways. She’s 4 so sometimes it isn’t quite as easy as others. For instance, when we were learning about Mercy and Forgiveness, it was easiest for her to understand when she was in actual trouble. I wouldn’t put her in time out, instead, we would open the Bible and find a passage in which clearly explains God’s Mercy for us. And that even though there are plenty of times in life we do not deserve the things we have, God still shows his mercy toward us, and he forgives us when we as for forgiveness. — So sorry for rambling there, I saw your link on Thrive @ home.
Thanks for stopping by Courtney! Good for you teaching your little one godly character at such a young age. It will serve her well in the coming years.