You Know You’re a Mom When…

10. You can’t remember the last time you weren’t exhausted.


photo credit: tobi.mattingly via photopin cc

9. You have ever hidden in your closet to eat chocolate because you
didn’t want to share.

8. You cannot for the life of you shed those last 15 pounds!
medium_485148794photo credit: Newbirth35 via photopin cc

7. You have convinced yourself (on more than one occasion) that Golden
Grahams are a perfectly nutritious and satisfying dinner for your family.

6. Fifteen minutes alone in the bathroom is like a slice of heaven.

5. You have ever threatened prayed, with a sincere heart and clenched teeth,
from the doorway of a darkened bedroom, “Lord, please help Little Johnny’s
tummy, leg, nose, eyes, teeth and everything else feel better. Help him stop
moving and talking and go to sleep so he DOES NOT GET IN TROUBLE!!!”

4. You find yourself saying things your own mother said…
and they’re starting to make sense.momism3. You have ever realized, while tucking your children into bed, that you did not brush your teeth (shower/eat/insert other vital activity here) today.

2. You have ever realized, while tucking your children into bed, that you
did not feed them dinner!

1. Despite the constant exhaustion, daily stress, recurring moments of frustration, and those stubborn, unwanted pounds, you are proud to be called “Mom” and are thankful for the little ones who do so.


We may not be the June Cleavers, or even the Carol Bradys of our day, but we love our families, work hard to do what’s best for them, and give it our all…even on 3 hours of sleep and 6 cups of coffee! So, here’s a shout-out to all my fellow worn-out Mommies!

Happy Mother’s Day!

“So let’s not allow ourselves to get fatigued doing good. At the right time we will harvest a good crop if we don’t give up, or quit. Right now, therefore, every time we get the chance, let us work for the benefit of all, starting with the people closest to us in the community of faith” (Galatians 6:9, The Message)

29 thoughts on “You Know You’re a Mom When…

  1. Nancy, I love this!! So so true! I have a post in my draft folder sort of along these lines…you know you’re a christian supermom when… but I think I got stuck on my first or second “you know” – Lol! This is PERFECT! 🙂 I have totally done number 9…and I was crying at the same time!

    1. I’m so glad you liked it, Rosann! Trust me I’ve shed a few tears over chocolate too! Thanks so much for stopping by! Have a Happy Mother’s Day!

  2. Love this post…your humor makes it easier to admit we all have been there and done that. I’m a grandma now, but I can still remember those days.
    I’d love to have you share this on my new blog hop T.G.I.F. on

  3. Love this post!! Very beautiful! 🙂 I can relate to all of these!! 😀 Thanks so much for sharing. It’s a hard job but the most rewarding I’ve ever had. Through motherhood, God has taught me so much and I have become closer to Him through my experiences.

  4. Hi, so cute! Especially the one about saying things my mother said, and activities undone for the day–oh goodness. Thanks for this witty reminder–it helps take the hard days a little easier. {Came by from playdates}

  5. My children are now grown, so I’m past those days, but oh, how I remember! I rejoiced the day I could walk out the door without packing a bag filled with diapers, extra clothes, snacks, and whatever else we might need on a brief outing. What joy-filled days they were!

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